What New Haven Property Owners Ought To Know About Yellow Jacket Control

face of a yellow jacket up close

New Haven property owners understand the beauty of the great outdoors. A walk through the woods or lunch on the picnic table in the backyard is a perfect way to spend a sunny afternoon. But if you’ve spent enough time in New Haven, you know exactly what comes with outdoor activities: the risk of a yellow jacket swarm. Around here, the Eastern yellow jacket is king, eating nearby insects and attacking anyone who threatens their nests. The more you understand about these pests, the more you can spend worry-free afternoons in the yard and kiss your yellow jacket troubles goodbye.

Understanding The Issue

Eastern yellow jackets can be identified and differentiated from bees in a few different ways. First of all, a bee has a very wide body, but the yellow and black body of a yellow jacket tapers to a thin “waist” in the middle. This is a thin area separating the abdomen from the stinger. Also, a yellow jacket will rest its wings out to the side when it lands on a surface.

The Eastern yellow jacket presents more of a threat than most stinging insects because these pests can create their nests in the ground. Stepping on one (or even coming too close) will most likely result in multiple stings, as they are very territorial. These nests will look like small holes in the ground, similar to those that a rodent would create. If there is anything sweet in the area, such as sugary food or sugar-water left out for hummingbirds, Eastern yellow jackets will be drawn quickly to it.

Taking The Good With The Bad

While most people think that having yellow jackets around is bad, yellow jackets do benefit your property. While they are not necessarily effective pollinators, they will prey on many other insects. This will help you control insect populations around your home. However, the medical risks associated with Eastern yellow jackets might not be worth the risk.

These pests have venom-filled stingers and can sting multiple times without incurring any harm to themselves. Their ability to sting multiple times and their willingness to attack to defend their nest is what makes them dangerous. Plus, their venom can be a health risk, even for those who aren’t allergic. Health conditions can arise, so multiple stings usually require medical attention. And you do not want to try and pick a fight with a yellow jacket, even if it’s by itself. The Eastern yellow jacket is able to send a distress call to others nearby, and they will immediately come to its defense ready for a fight.

Keeping Them Off Your Property

If you like to find information on the Internet (and don’t worry, we won’t judge since this page is on the Internet), then you can get a few home remedies against Eastern yellow jackets. Apparently they hate the wormwood plant, thyme, and spearmint, so planting these will help keep them off your property. There are even instructions for a trap involving sugar water and essential oils that are known to thwart yellow jacket activity.
However, if you already have a nest on your property, don’t try to handle it yourself. You’ll wind up getting yourself or someone you love severely stung. Instead, contact the pros at Connecticut Pest Elimination, LLC right away. Our friendly and knowledgeable pest technicians will be happy to eradicate any nests or yellow jacket infestations on your property without the risk of anyone getting hurt.