Protect Yourself & Those You Love From Ticks In New Haven, CT

ticks on fur

You might be looking forward to relaxing in the summer sun, but mitigating your family's exposure to these harmful pests will require constant, watchful vigilance.

The different tick species of New Haven are some of the most dangerous types of blood-sucking insects anywhere in the world. Some of the most common of these include: 

  • The American Dog Tick 

  • The Lonestar Tick 

  • The Blacklegged Tick

Ticks pose a significant number of health concerns, both to humans and to the pets we love the most.

Dangers Of Ticks

Ticks are serious disease vectors, meaning that they act as agents for harmful viruses, parasites, and bacteria. A single bite from one of these arachnids can cause Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and even swelling of the brain (encephalitis). Pets like dogs and cats are also susceptible to tick-borne diseases.

Blood-sucking critters like ticks love to get around with the least effort possible. In a behavior known as ‘questing,’ ticks reach their legs out from favorable perches, such as on tall grass, in the hopes of catching a quick meal. This makes them very hard to spot and avoid.

Ticks produce hundreds of eggs each year, hatching out larvae commonly referred to as ‘seed ticks.’ These seed ticks can attach to hosts in large numbers and cause anemia in severe cases.

If ticks are beginning to show an increased presence on your lawn, it may already be too late to prevent infestations from occurring. However, homeowners experiencing only the first few weeks of warm weather may still have some time left to prepare.

How To Make Your New Haven Lawn Less Attractive To Ticks

To make your lawn less hospitable to nearby tick populations, start with the variables of your property that you can control. 

  • Maintain an adequate grass length, weed-whacking around fence lines, home boundaries, and frequently used areas. Do not allow last year’s leaf litter to continue building up around the yard. Rake up and dispose of excess leaves as soon as possible. 

  • Install a solid three-foot boundary between any wood lines and your home. The use of river stone or gravel is highly encouraged over mulches. 

  • Schedule regular pest control visits that focus on the long-term prevention of tick populations in your yard.

To prevent tick bites from occurring even after these precautionary measures are put in place, consider the following points:

  • Outdoor enthusiasts should wear long-sleeved shirts, long pants, and long socks, even in hot weather. For additional protection, pant legs can be tucked into socks to create a semipermeable barrier. 

  • Wearing the right clothing is an excellent step in the right direction, but your outfit alone will not be enough to prevent an accidental bite. Many professionals, including the Connecticut Department of

  • Environmental Protection, encourage the use of sprays and repellents on shoes, pants, and shirts.

    Pets such as outdoor dogs and cats are highly vulnerable to tick-borne illnesses. It is recommended homeowners utilize strong systemic treatments carried out through a home kit or a personal veterinarian.

Curious about the types of ticks that could be in your backyard right now? Reach out to us today to schedule an inspection and to discuss tick control options for your New Haven home.

Connecticut Pest Elimination, LLC Can Reduce Ticks On Your Property

Even if you have been carefully preparing for this year’s swarm of pest activity, no home can be entirely barricaded against dangerous tick species. It takes a village to stay truly pest-free, which is why it’s so important to contact the professionals at Connecticut Pest Elimination, LLC before the first signs of tick infestation occur. Call and speak with our helpful service technicians about mosquito and tick control services for your lawn, or reach out to us about other pest control programs that may be right for you.